Icelandic Women’s Rights Association

IWRA works on women’s rights and the equal status of all genders in all areas of society.

IWRA works on the basis of human rights and works against all kinds of discrimination.

Resources on Gender Equality in Iceland


We maintain a list of useful resources on women’s rights and gender equality in Iceland. The list is separated into the following sections: Gender EqualityEqual Pay StandardLabor Market and Parental LeaveProstitution and Human TraffickingGender-Based Violence and DiscriminationWomen’s Political Power and InfluenceIcelandic Women on Strike, and Contacts in Iceland.

Certifying Equal Pay in Iceland

Equal Pay

Since 2018, employers in Iceland have had to undergo an audit every three years to prove that they do not discriminate in wages based on gender or any other reason. The audit is based on the Equal Pay Standard, a tool developed in Iceland. Read more about the Equal Pay Standard and the history of equal pay legislation in Iceland on our website.

The global work for gender equality

International Cooperation

IWRA has always worked closely with the global feminist movement. We can only achieve women’s liberation in cooperation with all the peoples in the world.

What’s going on?

Join Us!

IWRA has worked for women’s rights and gender equality since 1907. Become a member and support our work!

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