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Contacts in IcelandKvenréttindafélag Íslands2021-11-25T13:34:27+00:00

Governmental Institutions for Equality
- The Centre for Gender Equality, a national bureau in charge of administering the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men No. 10/2008
- MARK, the Center for Diversity and Gender Studies at the University of Iceland
- RIKK, the Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland
- Gró GEST, The United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (at the University of Iceland)
- (MR-JÄM), Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality and LGBTI
Feminist NGOs
- Femínistafélag HÍ, Feminist Association of the University of Iceland
- Femínísk fjármál, Feminist Budget Group
- knú, a feminist webzine
- Kvennaathvarfið, The Women’s Shelter
- Rótin, The Root – Association on Women, Addiction and Mental Health
- Samtökin ’78, the National Queer Organization
- Stígamót, Education and Counseling Center for Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Violence
- Tabú, an advocacy group for disabled women
- Trans-Ísland, support and advocacy organization for transgender people
- W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland, Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network
Political Parties Represented in Althingi 2020
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