Article 1 – Name
The name of this Association is Kvenréttindafélag Íslands (KRFÍ), in English the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (IWRA), hereafter referred to as IWRA. IWRA’s registered office is Kvennaheimilið Hallveigarstaðir in Túngata 14, Reykjavík.
Article 2 – Mission
The objective of IWRA is to work towards women’s rights and the equal status of all genders in all areas of society. IWRA is committed to human rights and stands against discrimination of any kind. IWRA works on the basis of a Mission Statement adopted by the General Assembly.
Article 3 – Membership to International Organizations
IWRA is a member of the International Alliance of Women (IAW) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).
Article 4 – Membership to IWRA
Membership of IWRA may be granted to:
- Individuals who are willing to work according to the Bylaws and Mission Statement of IWRA.
- Women’s rights organizations and other civil society organizations that work on comparable issues to IWRA. Application to become a member shall be sent to the board of IWRA which confirms or denies membership at a Board meeting. Membership decisions of the Board shall be affirmed by the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, by a simple majority of votes cast, may terminate the membership of any member, including organizations, if they are found to be working against the mission and objective of IWRA.
Article 5 – Membership Fees
The General Assembly decides membership fees. The membership of individuals or organizations that have outstanding membership fees for two consecutive years may be revoked.
Article 6 – General Assembly
The General Assembly shall be held annually before May 1st. Notice for the General Assembly shall be given to members no less than two weeks in advance, by e-mail using e-mail addresses registered in the IWRA membership registry and by public announcement on IWRA’s website.
The General Assembly of IWRA is also the General Assembly of Menningar- and minningarsjóður kvenna (MMK), in English the Women’s Culture and Commemoration Fund.
The notice of the General Assembly shall also include any proposals for amendments to these Bylaws.
The General Assembly is legitimate if the notice of the Assembly is legitimate.
Notice of candidacy for a seat on the Board and for other boards where IWRA has representation shall be sent to the Electoral Committee one week before the General Assembly. Elections at the General Assembly are binding. If there are more candidates than available seats, elections shall take place by secret ballot.
Only members who have paid their membership fees have the right to vote and to stand for election at the General Assembly, including for seats on other boards where IWRA has representation.
Decisions at the General Assembly are made by a simple majority of members with voting rights, unless otherwise noted in these Bylaws.
The agenda of the General Assembly shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- The election of assembly chair and assembly secretary
- The legitimacy of the General Assembly is affirmed
- Presentation of the annual reports of the Boards of IWRA and MMK
- Approval of the reviewed accounts of IWRA and MMK
- Membership fees decided, acc. to article 5
- Amendments to these Bylaws, if any proposals have been submitted
- The election of President, acc. to article 9
- The election of the Board, acc. to article 9
- The election of two association auditors
- The election of the Board of MMK, acc. to article 12
- The election of representatives to committees and organizations where IWRA has representation, including the main and alternative representative to the General Assembly of the EWL.
- Other issues
- Meeting adjourned
Article 7 – Amendments to these Bylaws
Amendments to these Bylaws are legitimized when they are approved by a two-thirds majority of votes cast at the General Assembly.
Article 8 – Electoral Committee
The Board shall appoint three members to an Electoral Committee that secures candidacies for office. The suggestions of the Committee shall be available in the office of IWRA two weeks before the General Assembly and members shall hand in their suggestions no less than a week before the General Assembly.
Article 9 – The Board of IWRA
The Board of IWRA is elected at the General Assembly and consists of the President, six Board members elected for a term of two years, and three alternate Board members elected for a term of one year.
The General Assembly elects the President and three Board members in any year ending with an odd number and three Board members in a year ending with an even number. The General Assembly also elects three alternate Board members for a term of one year.
The Board of IWRA divides its duties as necessary and sets their own rules of procedure. The Board follows the mission of IWRA set at the General Assembly, monitors the financial resources and operations of the Association, and appoints representatives to the working groups of the European Women’s Lobby. The Board of IWRA is the supreme authority in the affairs of the Association between General Assemblies.
The Board shall prepare the General Assembly and other meetings of the Association.
The Board of IWRA holds a Board Meeting no less than six times per year. Decisions of the Board are made with a simple majority of votes cast. If an equal number of votes are cast, the vote of the President shall prevail.
No one shall sit on the Board of IWRA for more than ten consecutive years.
The President, Board and Secretary General represent IWRA to the general public.
Article 10 – The Finances of IWRA
The Board of IWRA is responsible for the finances of the Association. The accounts of IWRA and the accounts of 19. júní Magazine shall be presented separately. The financial year shall be the almanac year.
Article 11 – The Staff of IWRA
The Board of IWRA hires the Secretary General of IWRA and other staff. The Secretary General, as empowered by the Board, is responsible for daily operations of the Association and that the mission set by the Board and General Assembly is fulfilled.
Article 12 – Menningar- og minningarsjóður kvenna (MMK) – Women’s Culture and Commemoration Fund
The General Assembly elects the Board of MMK according to the Bylaws of the Fund. The Board of MMK delivers a report on their activities and sets their rules of procedure.
Article 13 – 19. júní
IWRA publishes the Magazine 19. júní annually on June 19th. The Board of IWRA appoints the Editorial Committee.
Article 14 – Kvennaheimilið Hallveigarstaðir – Women’s House Hallveigarstaðir
The Board of IWRA appoints a representative in the Housing Committee of Kvennaheimilið Hallveigarstaðir, according to the statutes of Kvennaheimilið Hallveigarstaðir.
Article 15 – General Members’ Meetings
General Members’ Meetings shall be held when necessary or when two members of the Board, an outside auditor, or at least 10% of members call for a meeting. Any issue related to IWRA can be discussed at a General Members’ Meeting. Notice for a General Members’ Meeting shall be given no less than seven days in advance, using e-mail addresses registered in the IWRA membership registry and by public announcement on IWRA’s website.
Article 16 – Preservation of Documents
Valuable documents and historical documentation about IWRA shall be preserved in Kvennasögusafn Íslands – The Icelandic Women’s History Museum.
Article 17 – Dissolution of the Association
IWRA shall be dissolved when it has fulfilled its mission or when a two-thirds majority vote at a General Assembly for two consecutive years has voted for the dissolution of the Association. Should IWRA be dissolved, their assets shall be given to Menningar- og minningarsjóður kvenna – Women’s Culture and Commemoration Fund.
Adopted by the General Assembly of IWRA, 23 March 2023