The board of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (IWRA) has unanimously voted to welcome Trans Ísland as a new member organization of IWRA. 

The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association was founded in 1907. The objective of IWRA is to work on women’s rights and the equal status of all genders in all areas of society. The association works on the basis of human rights and works against all kinds of discrimination.

Trans Ísland was founded in 2007 and is the main support and advocacy organization for trans people in Iceland. Trans Ísland has, since its founding, been an unceasing advocate for trans people in Iceland.

Trans Ísland joins other member organizations of IWRA, Druslubækur og doðrantar, Femínísk fjármál, Fjöruverðlaunin, Rótin, Samtök um Kvennaathvarf og W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland, organizations that work on women’s rights and equivalent issues as Kvenréttindafélag Íslands.

On Trans Ísland joining the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, Tatjana Latinovic, the president of IWRA, said, “We are delighted to welcome Trans Ísland as a member organization of IWRA. The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association has been a leading voice for women’s rights and gender equality for over a century. For decades, IWRA has put a focus on reaching out to other organisations and elevating diverse voices through their work. We will never achieve gender equality if we are not all equal, and women’s liberation can only be achieved through solidarity with others.”

Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir, the president of Trans Ísland, said: “Trans Iceland celebrates the unity and cooperation between our two organizations. Trans people and queer people as a whole are an inseparable part of the feminist movement and we all need to show solidarity against the hatred and anti-trans propaganda that has increased against trans people in the past few years. It’s important that we in Iceland set an example and show clearly and unequivocally that feminist solidarity and the fight for equality and equity needs to include us all not just those of us that conform to oppressive gender expectations or other systems of oppression.”

As a member of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, Trans Ísland is granted voting rights at the IWRA General Assembly, and therefore a voice in drafting future policies of this storied and long-established organization that advocates for the equal status of all genders in all areas of society. 

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