Welcome to an open close-reading of the agreement for the coalition government of Iceland, on Saturday, December 4th at 11 a.m., in Stígamót at Laugarvegur 170.
During this working meeting, we will read together and evaluate the government’s policies in three areas: violence; the labor market and finance; and intersectional equality. Following the meeting, a statement will be released detailing what is acceptable in the agreement and what could be improved.
Read the agreement on the platform for the coalition government here.
The meeting will start at 11 a.m. and will conclude by 12 p.m. with lunch, a vegan coconut curry soup and bread.
Note, that the meeting will be in Icelandic. The venue is wheel-chair accessible and lunch is free. Remember your mask!
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, limited places are available for the meeting. Please register here: : https://forms.gle/8Mp1S7LN82JWrnUm9