*The registration form has now been closed because we have reached the maximum number of registrations for the event. A notice will be sent out prior to the event on Facebook in case any seats become available.*
You are invited to Her Voice – a panel discussion with women of foreign origin in Iceland, 5th March at Iðnó, in the Sunnusal on the 2nd floor. The event is held in celebration of the International Women’s Day.
Her voice was held for the first time in March 2019, the purpose of the event is to provide women of foreign origin with a platform to share their experiences of the Icelandic society. Amongst the topics discussed during the event last year were women of foreign origin in Icelandic politics, accessibility to legal information, language barriers and presence in public spaces such as the media.
Women of foreign origin are a growing demographic in Iceland and play an important role in society. However, as a demographic, women of foreign origin are a marginalised group which often experiences prejudice due to origin and gender. The discussion about the status of immigrants on the Icelandic labour market has gained more momentum over the last years. However many obstacles stand in their way of equal access and opportunities, including language capabilities, education and the lack of network.
This year the panel discussions will focus on the status of women of foreign origin on the Icelandic labour market. The main discussion points will include assessment of previous education and experience, language knowledge, injustice regarding wages and work environment, flow of information among other things.
This year the panel discussions will take place in english.
The panel moderator is Claudie Ashonie Wilson, District Court attorney.
The panelists will be introduced in the next few days.
Please register for the event here, registration ends 3rd March: https://forms.gle/vZ5MtE4d8BMvDCoN8
Accessibility: There is a ramp inside the building and an elevator up to the second floor. A bathroom for wheelchairs is on the first floor.
If you require a translation service please specify it on the registration form and we will do our best to accommodate your requirements.
A confirmation regarding translation services will be sent out by the 3rd March, it will not be possible to request a translation service after that date.
The following organisations have endorsed the event and encourage all who are interested to attend:
- Human rights innovation and democracy council of Reykjavik City
- WOMEN In Iceland, Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna á Íslandi
- The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (Kvenréttindafélag Íslands)
- Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands / Icelandic Human Rights Centre
- Equality Office (Jafnréttisstofa)
- UN Women – Íslensk Landsnefnd