Looking for women over 18 in the labour market from all professions and all job positions, to participate in a study on women’s experience and understanding of gender equality in the labor market.
Belma Hajder, a masters student in anthropology at the University of Aarhus and an intern at the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, will be conducting fieldwork in Reykjavik in July, August and September this year. She will examine how women from different occupations, experience and understand gender equality in the labor market in Iceland.
Interviews will take place in English. The study is anonymous.
Participants will:
- Need to be interviewed at least twice (30-60 minutes)
- Allow the researcher to visit their workplace
Please send an email if you have any questions or if you want to learn more about the project. Belma’s e-mail address is 201607845@post.au.dk.
Looking forward to hearing from you.