Welcome to n online moderated debate about the state of art of women’s rights across Europe, the alternatives and contributions of the feminist and human rights movements and organisatons to respond to COVID19 and to the Future of Europe.
The event will be held on the web-conference platform CISCO and streamed live on FAcebook, Saturday May 9th at 3 p.m. GMT.
The representatives of grass-root feminist and human rights initiatives across the continent – from Iceland to Croatia, from Spain to Poland, will share the first-hand experience on how is, and how will the COVID-19 affect the existing gender divides in Europe, and these fields of: work, health, gender-based violence, and political participation.
To register and access the session on CISCO, register here.
To watch the panel online via Facebook streaming, visit the Facebook pages of two of the organizers: Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom and Fundació Aroa.
Panelists are:
Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir, Secretary General of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association.
Caterina Scannapieco, Obiezione Respinta and Non Una Di Meno
Gosia Wochowska, Gals4Gals Lodz (Lodzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom)
- Montse Pineda, Advocacy coordinator at Creación Positiva and Vicepresident of the National Council of Women of Catalonia (CNDC)
- Neus Pociello, Aroa Foundation director, co-founder of the Feminist Europe Platform and Vicepresident of the National Council of Women of Spain (CNDE)
- Almudena Rodríguez, International Advocacy coordinator at L’Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius and Women’s Major Group Organising Partner for UNECE region
Pan-European Organizations
Cecilia Francisco Carcelén, Young Feminist Europe