
The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association has opened a web portal with links to articles, reports, videos and other material on women’s rights in Iceland, written in the English language.

The list covers several aspects of the Icelandic society: gender equality, the equal pay standard, the labor market, parental leave, prostitution and human trafficking, gender-based violence, gender-based discrimination, women’s political power and women on strike. Useful contacts to Icelandic stakeholders are also provided.

Everyone who is seeking information on women in Iceland and in the Nordic countries is welcome to have a look at the list, or to contact the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association for more details.

The list was written by Linda Giozza, an intern at the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association in the fall of 2016. Linda is a student of Development and International Relations at the Aalborg University in Denmark and her internship was financed by Erasmus Plus.

Click here to see the new section “Useful Resources”!

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