Stand for peace, freedom and a green future, at Austurvöllur on Wednesday, Sept. 4th at 17:30.
Mike Pence, vice-president of the United States is on his way to Iceland. His agenda and that of the White House is an affront to those living in Iceland. A number of organisations have banded together to provide a venue for people to express their views on the Trump administration’s stance on peace and disarmament issues, feminist issues, queer issues, environmental issues and its treatment of refugees.
There will be five short speeches by Guttormur Þorsteinsson chair of the Icelandic Campaign Against Militarism, María Helga Guðmundsdóttir former chair of Samtökin ’78, Hildur Knútsdóttir writer and environmentalist, Randi Stebbins human right’s lawyer and Isabella Rivera, an immigrant from the US and an activist in No Borders and Refugees in Iceland. There will also be music and we encourage everyone to show up and let their voice be heard.