Kvenréttindafélag Íslands, í samstarfi við CESI í Króatíu, stendur fyrir fræðslufundum um reynslu femínísku hreyfingarinnar á Íslandi í baráttunni að ná jafnrétti á vinnumarkaði, vikuna 7. til 11. júní.
Fræðslufundirnir eru fimm, fjórir á ensku og einn á króatísku. Nauðsynlegt er að skrá sig á einstaka fundi, krækjur hér fyrir neðan í viðburðarlýsingum. Athugið að ef þið viljið skrá ykkur á fleiri en einn fund, þurfið þið að skrá ykkur á þá fundi sérstaklega, mismundi skráningarform eru fyrir fundina.
Fundirnir eru haldnir á Zoom, skráðir þátttakendur fá senda krækju í tölvupósti morguninn sem fundurinn á sér stað. Þeir fræðslufundir sem eru á ensku eru teknir upp og settir á Youtube rás Kvenréttindafélagsins að loknum fundi.
Fræðslufundirnir eru hluti af samstarfsverkefni Kvenréttindafélagsins og CESI Workingwoman – Gender Equality in the Labor Market sem styrkt er af Active Citizen Fund in Croatia.
#MeToo and the Workplace
Fríða Rós Valdimarsdóttir
#MeToo has exposed an endemic culture of sexual harassment and violence in the workplace. In Iceland, following hundreds of #MeToo stories shared by,the government and members in the labor market have proposed and enacted concrete actions taken and proposed in to combat workplace harassment. Fríða Rós Valdimarsdóttir, a gender specialist, will discuss #MeToo movements and actions taken in response.
Participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the meeting before 12:00 p.m. on June 7th.
Certifying Equality: The Equal Pay Standard
Maríanna Traustadóttir
In 2018, legislation was passed mandating companies and institutions in Iceland with 25 or more employees to pass an Equal Pay Certification, that they offer equal pay for work of equal value. The certification is based on the Equal Pay Standard, developed by the Icelandic trade unions, employers confederation and government officials. Maríanna Traustadóttir, a member of the committee who wrote the Equal Pay Standard, will introduce this tool for gender equality.
Participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the meeting before 12:00 p.m. on June 7th.
Iceland’s Economic Response to COVID-19: A Feminist Critique
Femínísk fjármál / Feminist Budgeting
Like governments all over the world, the Icelandic government has introduced various economic measures in response to COVID-19. These measures include initiatives to create jobs, grants, loans and tax breaks to companies, student loans to students, green investment incentives, funding for children and mental health, etc. Feminist Budgeting, the Icelandic feminist budget group, has analyzed these economic measures and found that they benefit men more than they benefit women, even though the COVID-19 recession has effected women more than men. Members of the budget group introduce their analysis and discuss how we build back a more gender equal labor market.
Participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the meeting before 12:00 p.m. on June 9th.
History of the Feminist Movement in Iceland
Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir
Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir, the Secretary General of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, introduces the feminist movement in Iceland, going over the history of the movement, including the women’s strikes, and gives a brief overview of the various tools used in Iceland to guarantee women’s rights and gender equality, including equal parental leave, gender quotas, universal daycare and the equal pay standard.
This workshop will take place in English via Zoom. The meeting will be recorded and the video posted online following the meeting.
Participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the meeting before 12:00 p.m. on June 9th.
Islandski feminizam, nekad, sad i u budućnosti / The Icelandic Feminist Movement: past, present and the future (discussion in Croatian)
Tatjana Latinovic
FRIDAY June 11, 14:00 GMT / 16:00 CST
Register here: https://forms.gle/Fd3PPiw7w8X3qt3D8
Islandski feminizam, nekad, sad i u budućnosti je radionica/diskusija o femnističkom pokretu na Islandu o čemu će govoriti Tatjana Latinović, predsjednica najstarije feminističke udruge na Islandu, IWRA – Icelandic Women’s Rights Association.
Discussion with Tatjana Latinovic, president of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association.
This workshop will take place in Croatian via Zoom. Participants will receive an e-mail with the link to the meeting before 12:00 p.m. on June 11th. The meeting will not be recorded.