Kvenréttindafélag Íslands og Samtök um kvennaathvarf bjóða ykkur á sýningu heimildarmyndarinnar Crime After Crime í Veröld – húsi Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur, laugardaginn 15. júní kl. 17. Í lok sýningar er Q&A með kvikmyndagerðamanninum Joshua Safran.

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Kvikmyndin fjallar um konur í Bandaríkjunum sem hafa verið fangelsaðar í kjölfar þess að hafa myrt menn sem beitt hafa þær ofbeldi.

Joshua Safran er lögfræðingur að mennt og baráttumaður fyrir þolendur heimilisofbeldis. Í Crime After Crime lýsir Joshua Safran sjö ára baráttu sinni við bandaríska réttarkerfið að frelsa Debbie Peagler, sem dæmd var í lífstíðarfangelsi fyrir að myrða kærasta sinn sem beitti hana ofbeldi og seldi hana í vændi.

Kvikmyndin var frumsýnd 2011 á Sundance Film Festival og Oprah Winfrey Network og hefur unnið til yfir 25 viðurkenninga, þar á meðal National Board of Review Freedom of Expression Award,  Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award og New York Times Critics’ Pick.

Úr umfjöllun um Crime After Crime

“Magnificent, swelling from hushed to howling without the help of narration or posturing from the unfailingly dignified Ms. Peagler or her quietly dedicated lawyers. There may well be, as one of her lawyers claims, ‘thousands and thousands of Debbies across the U.S.,’ but it is this particular one who makes it difficult to leave the theater with dry eyes and an untouched heart.”

— New York Times CRITICS’ PICK


“This riveting and devastating documentary follows the sustained efforts of two land-use attorneys who decide to take on the case of a woman incarcerated for years due to her role in the death of an abusive boyfriend. It relates a great miscarriage of justice—but also one of heroic legal perseverance, with a surprisingly colorful cast of characters.”

— New York Magazine CRITICS’ PICK


“A must-see film”

— The Los Angeles Times


“Moving and inspiring . . . Some movies prove so eye-opening that a viewer may feel the urge to recount the story, start to finish, to friends and acquaintances. ‘crime after crime’ is that kind of film“

— The Washington Post CRITICS’ PICK


“An incredible inside story.”

— The San Francisco Chronicle


“One of the top ten films of 2011”

— New York Daily News


“…A tremendously moving story, strong in social commitment and deftly woven out of years of footage.”

— The Hollywood Reporter


“It’s hard to imagine a bigger bombshell being dropped in the lap of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office than ‘Crime After Crime.’”

— Variety

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